Free and Non-Binding Offer

(… it just takes one minute)

By using our online inquiry form, you can prepare your personalized free and non-binding request for proposal and attach the final or actual version of your work (comprising one document or several documents) at the bottom of the inquiry form via file upload.
In case of problems with the upload function (if the file is too big or if your upload is taking too long), please send us your request directly by email ([mailto]kontakt@lektorat-korrektur.de[/mailto]). In case your files may exceed a total file size of 24 MB, you can send them to our contact email address, e.g., via Wetransfer.com, Dropbox.com or similar services.



Your Request (your data is protected and ssl-secured)



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[notification style="warning" font_size="12px" closeable="false"] NOTE concerning Rush/ Express service orders (24h, overnight, weekend, holidays, emergency):
If you are using our Rush/ Express services, we recommend contacting us by phone shortly after having submitted your file(s) (see contact page), in order not to waste valuable time between request and answer! [/notification]

You can select more than one desired service from the list! Should not all of your desired services be covered by our list, you can use the lower text input field to describe your needs in your own words. We can realize almost everything that may be suitable for scientific texts and final papers or theses.

NOTE with respect to works using LaTeX: If you have written your work using LaTeX, we also need the PDF file you can produce directly with the LaTeX editor in order to calculate the corresponding number of norm pages and the effort needed. To be able to carry out the scientific editing, you can send us immediately or subsequently the LaTeX file with all formatting instructions. In case you work with InDesign, we also need first the PDF file (export file) of your work.

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All attached files must not exceed a maximum file size of 24 MB. In case you have files that do exceed a total file size of 24 MB, you can send them to our contact email address (kontakt@lektorat-korrektur.de), e.g., via Dropbox.com, Wetransfer.com or similar services. In case your file upload is taking too long or failing, you can, of course, send us your request per email to our contact email address.

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