Information in English Language
This info and help page in English is designed for students and doctoral candidates who are not completely fluent in German or might prefer to use their mother tongue English to inform themselves about the services we are offering. Here you can find a complete overview of all the offered scientific services students and doctoral candidates may need for a successful final paper or thesis (Bachelor-final work/ Bachelor-thesis, Master dissertation/ Master-thesis, diploma thesis, Magister thesis, examination paper, doctoral thesis, dissertation, PhD). All services can be provided in the standard turnaround time or – if you are in a hurry – just ask for our Rush services in express time (24 hours rush/ express, overnight-rush/ express, weekend/holiday rush/ express, emergency rush service). We offer our services at cheap student prices that are, on average, 70 percent below non-student prices! Several thousand students and doctoral candidates charge us every year with one or more of the offered services, e.g. proofreading and editing of a bachelor-thesis.
Get Your Free Offer!
It is easy to hire us!
1. Send a request
You can send us either the actual version or the final (complete) version of your work via the inquiry form ( Online Inquiry Form) or by email ( In case your work exceeds a total file size of 24 MB, you should send us the corresponding file(s), e.g., via,, or similar services for sending large files.
2. Receive an offer
After submitting your work, you should contact us by phone (Tel: 0049 – (0)177 63 00 683) so that we can briefly discuss your work, the timeline for the realization of the desired services and the costs. If you want to hire us, we just need your address by email (address data such as first name, last name, postal code, location), to be able to send you our order confirmation (offer) by email.
3. Offer confirmation
Upon receipt of our order confirmation, we need within half an hour your confirmation by email that you accept our offer. Additionally and – if possible – in the same email, we also need to receive a scan of the bank transfer receipt that proves the full payment of the entire invoice amount. In case of online banking, the first equivalent of the bank transfer receipt would be a screenshot of the successfully confirmed transaction. The second equivalent, used by many customers, is the confirmation PDF file that can be downloaded from the bank’s website directly after the completion of the online payment. If your bank account has not yet been activated for online banking, you can alternatively execute the transfer via ATM. The machine will print out a transfer receipt, of which you can take a photo with your cell phone and then email it to us.
4. Receive the finished work
After finishing the booked services, you will receive all files and our feedback by email within the time frame agreed. Now you just should take your time to read our feedback and to make the last adjustments and amendments, if necessary.
Overview of All the Offered Scientific Services for Students and Doctoral Candidates
1. Scientific Editing & Proofreading for Bachelor-Thesis, Master-Thesis
Our scientific service for editing and proofreading of a master-thesis or another form thesis is the most important service for your final paper or thesis and is used by many students and doctoral candidates. We hereby not only correct grammar, spelling and punctuation but also optimize your style of writing based on the requirements of scientific papers and theses. In addition to our editing services and in case of striking inconsistencies, we also give advice for free on how to keep the central theme or to improve your conclusions, on the general structure of your work, the bibliographic references (quotations), the consistency and coherence of your argument, the logical reasoning and everything else that might be noteworthy.
Components of our Scientific Editing – an Overview
- Proofreading (correcting grammar, punctuation, spelling errors)
- Optimizing the style of writing (avoiding colloquial language and monotony of expression, optimizing the diction by ensuring an elaborate scientific style, also sometimes rewriting entire sentences, if necessary)
- Feedback on striking inconsistencies (keeping the central theme, application of the correct scientific conventions and procedures, reference style check, avoiding redundancies, ensuring good logical reasoning, coherence, conclusions, text structure/ organization)
- Scientific editing in German, English (British English, American English), French and Spanish
- Reasonable and often booked additional services to combine with the scientific editing service are: plagiarism check (to protect yourself against allegations of plagiarism), formatting of your final paper or thesis to comply with the specific guidelines of your institution of higher education/ university, translation of your summary (abstract, management summary, résumé) into English, French, Spanish or German.
2. Correcting, Proofreading for Bachelor-Thesis, Master-Thesis
Besides the scientific editing, we also offer classical proofreading (correcting grammar, punctuation and spelling – in German, English, French, Spanish), also called copy-reading (grammar correction), for students and doctoral candidates. As proofreading – unlike scientific editing – does not include contentual feedback (with respect to the central theme, conclusions, logical reasoning, coherence and consistency), as about half of all revisions in scientific editing concern the style of writing and as the difference in cost between proofreading and scientific editing only comprises 50 cent per norm page, 95 percent of all students and doctoral candidates opt for the scientific editing instead of mere proofreading. Academic departments and research institutes that submit their scientific publications/ papers to us before their official submission or date of printing rather make use of the proof-reading service, because in these cases there is significantly more expertise in academic publishing. For international students (non-native speakers of German) chosing mere proofreading does, therefore, not make any sense!
3. Plagiarism Detection / Check for Bachelor-Thesis, Master-Thesis
If the bibliographic sources (of direct oder indirect quotations) are not given, irrespectively whether they have just been forgotten or left out intentionally, the accusation of plagiarism can arise quickly and the title can even be rescinded, because universities have begun to check systematically final papers/ theses for plagiarism. By our plagiarism detection (plagiarism check, plagiarism assessment, plagiarism scan or plagiarism test) we reduce the risk of forgetting or overseeing unmarked sources. The resulting plagiarism report gives you an overview of the detected potentially plagiarized parts of your text (verbatim plagiarism), linking them directly to the corresponding source. During the elaboration process of their works, many students and doctoral candidates forget to indicate their sources. Nevertheless, an external examiner (referee) cannot discriminate whether the sources have just been forgotten or left out intentionally. Also pieces of rewritten texts (mosaic plagiarism) can be recognized by plagiarism software and linked to the original documents! Many students and doctoral candidates, however, are not aware of this fact. So our plagiarism assessment provides additional peace of mind. Almost all students order a plagiarism check in addition to the scientific editing or formatting service. Thus, we offer a discount of 50 percent on the plagiarism check if it is ordered in conjunction with scientific editing or formatting.
4. Formatting/ Layout for Bachelor-Thesis, Master-Thesis
Our service for scientific formatting of a thesis takes off a great load from you by not having to format your final paper or thesis according to the guidelines of your university or the respective journal style. Often students and doctoral candidates also reach their limits in this area or just don’t have the time to familiarize themselves with Word, OpenOffice or Pages. We create, e.g., automatic indexes (table of contents, list of tables, list of figures), work with the right format templates, set up the page numbering correctly (utilizing Roman and Arabic numerals), edit header or footer, standardize page margins, spacing, indents and the whole layout of your work. Our graphic designer can optionally also create professional illustrations, graphics, figures, graphs, diagrams or else a PowerPoint presentation for your PhD thesis defense. Besides, almost all students and doctoral candidates also book a plagiarism check together with the formatting service. In this combination, the former will even be subject to a 50 percent discount!
5. Translation (German, English, French, Spanish) – for Bachelor-Thesis, Master-Thesis
With our translation service (for German, English, French, Spanish), you cannot only have your management summary (summary, abstract, résumé) or individual text passages translated but also entire theses. Especially if you have to write your Bachelor’s thesis, Master‘s thesis, doctoral thesis or academic paper in a foreign language (e.g. English), solely these language barriers can consume the major part of your time. Our translators and editors (who are all native speakers) will get your work into shape and help you to meet the language requirements of your university. We also translate your PowerPoint or Keynote presentations, graphics or diagrams. Frequently-used translation directions are German – English (British or American English), German – French and German – Spanish.
6. Rewriting/ Paraphrasing of Texts for Bachelor-Thesis, Master-Thesis
Our text rewriting service or paraphrasing service for rewriting or rephrasing text (in German, English, French, Spanish) is used by students and doctoral candidates if the language quality of their final papers or theses is too poor for the scientific editing service. We don’t create new content but try to present your ideas as well as possible in a new, linguistically appropriate structure. If necessary, your final paper or thesis is rephrased sentence by sentence, regardless of whether it is in German, English, French or Spanish. Typically, it is international students who only have come here from abroad to study who have greater language difficulties and, therefore, need professional assistance with writing their final papers or theses. We can also rewrite the final paper or thesis step by step (i.e. chapter by chapter). Our feedback can thus be helpful for the elaboration of your next chapters. ʻRewritingʼ is only required if normal scientific editing is not sufficient, that means, if large parts of your work have to be rewritten. After having submitted your text, we can assess whether normal scientific editing will do for you or whether you actually would need our rewriting service. The difference between scientific editing and rewriting is, consequently, the intensity of the revision needed.
Components of our Rewriting Service – an Overview
- Rewriting, paraphrasing sentences (large parts of the work are restructured or rewritten sentence by sentence)
- Correcting/ proofreading (grammar, punctuation, spelling)
- Optimization of the style of writing (avoiding monotony of expression and colloquial language, optimizing the diction by ensuring an elaborate scientific style)
- Feedback (on keeping the central theme, the application of the correct scientific conventions and procedures, the reference style, logical reasoning and coherence, semantic redundancies, the conclusions and text organization)
- Scientific editing in German, English (British English, American English), Spanish and French
- Often booked additional services: plagiarism detection (to prevent plagiarism), formatting according to the guidelines of the university, translation of the summary (abstract, management summary, résumé) into English, French, Spanish or German